Ultrasound-guided Knee Cartilage Exploration: An Assessment Protocol
Ultrasound-guided Knee Cartilage Exploration
Objectives: The knee joint consists of three distinct articulations: medial and lateral femorotibial joints and the patellofemoral joint. It is composed of hyaline articular cartilage that envelops the femoral condyles, tibial plateaus, trochlear groove, and patellar facets. Additionally, fibrocartilaginous menisci are present. Ultrasonography (US) is increasingly employed in musculoskeletal medicine for precise measurement and identification. This study aims to develop a systematic ultrasound evaluation of knee cartilage to enhance diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic guidance by recognizing the typical anatomical structure.
Material and Methods: The authors describe a stepwise protocol for ultrasound exploration of the cartilaginous components of the knee joint with a special focus on patient positioning, ultrasound probe placement, and commonly encountered ultrasound images in knee cartilage exploration. It was used a linear probe with a frequency of 9-12 MHz.
Results: On the anterior surface of the knee, it is possible to assess ultrasound imaging of the trochlear cartilage of the femur and the patellar cartilage, the latter partially. The patient should perform a maximum flexion of the knee to expose a greater amount of trochlear cartilage. The patellar articular cartilage is partially appreciated, with the medial articular facet of the patella being the structure most easily visualized through ultrasound.
To assess the medial meniscus, the patient should be in a supine position with the knee flexed at approximately 30º and the leg externally rotated. For evaluating the lateral meniscus, the patient should be in a supine position with the knee flexed at approximately 30º and the leg internally rotated. On the posterior surface of the knee, it is possible to assess ultrasound imaging of the posterior articular cartilage of the femoral condyles as well as the posterior horns of the menisci. The patient should perform a prone position with a complete extension of the knee.
Conclusions: In summary, the ultrasound protocol for evaluating knee cartilage is crucial due to its accessibility, cost-effectiveness, real-time imaging, and ability to measure cartilage thickness. While additional imaging may be necessary for a thorough diagnosis, the ultrasound protocol significantly enhances knee cartilage assessment and improves overall patient care.
Keywords: ultrasound; knee joint; cartilage
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