Bilateral Foot Drop Following Compression Stockings Use
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Gait Disorders, Neurologic, Stockings, Compression, ThromboembolismRésumé
Compression stockings are commonly used for prophylaxis of deep venous thromboembolism after surgery and its effectiveness is well established. Peroneal nerve palsy is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the lower extremity. It can result from multiple causes but direct external compression of fibula head seems to be the main one. The authors report a 20-year-old female patient, who was submitted to a liver transplantation and after 25 days on Intensive Care Unit, rolled-down compression stockings were removed, and a linear impression mark below knee with bilateral foot drop was observed. The electrodiagnostic testing confirmed the diagnosis of a severe sensory-motor polyneuropathy. The aim of this report was to emphasize the importance of early recognition of the symptoms of peripheral nerve injury, especially in critical ill patients with multiple risk factors, who might have a worst outcome and permanent damage.
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