Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Integrated in a National Trauma Network
Rehabilitation Centers, Recovery of Function, Wounds and Injuries/rehabilitationAbstract
The authors perform a narrative review, addressing the specificity of PRM intervention after trauma, namely with regard to clinical assessment, prevention of immobility sequelae, mobility rehabilitation, sarcopenia rehabilitation, respiratory rehabilitation, cognitive rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, and home rehabilitation. In a more superficial way, they also address some specificity after traumatic reconstruction or amputation of limbs, vertebromedullary injury, traumatic brain injury, peripheral nerve injury, and chest trauma. The goals of a rehabilitation program will be discussed with the patient, family and/or caregivers, and are regularly reviewed. They must be monitored and have a meaning that is motivating for the patient, and adjusted to their clinical situation. It is also important to standardize the assessment of functionality and quality of life of trauma victims throughout the rehabilitation process, using scales. Many patients still need to be admitted to a Rehabilitation Center after being discharged from the Trauma Center. The main goal of a Trauma Network is not only to guarantee immediate survival, but also to promote the resumption of activity and social participation by the patients. The effective integration of PRM in Trauma Centers is important, with the objective of articulating rehabilitation care in line with the needs of trauma victims.
Despacho n.º 2534/2021 – Diário da República n.º 45/2021, Série II de 2021-03-05.
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