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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article should be original and unpublished. Any comments should be explained in "comments to the editor".

  • The files are Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format

  • URLs to the references were marked

  • The text, tables and illustrations are according to the submission rules.

  • The text uses Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced. Margins not smaller than 2,5 cm. All pages are be numbered.

  • The text does not mention authors or institutions.

Author Guidelines

All articles should be submitted online, at

All items should be filled out. The author will receive confirmation of the article submission via e-mail. Authors must also submit a copyright statement on article submission

The articles should be sorted according to the article types: Original article, Review article, case report, opinion article, etc.

Text: Microsoft Word for Windows, font Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced. Margins not smaller than 2,5 cm. All pages must be numbered.


First page

a) Title in both Portuguese/French and English (no authors)

b) Brief title for footnote.

Second page

a) Title in both Portuguese/French and English (no authors)

b) Abstract in English and Portuguese or French. The abstracts can not refer to full text and vice versa, no quotations or reference to tables or illustrations.

c) Abstract in English and Portuguese or French according to IMRAD, with no more than 350 words for original articles and no more than 200 words for review articles.

d) No more than 5 Keywords in Portuguese or French and English according to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH):

Third page and following pages:

Original articles: the text must be organized according to the following scheme: Introduction (including goals), Methods and materials, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Bibliography, Tables and illustrations.

The articles must not have more than 4.000 words, 6 tables/illustrations and 60 Bibliography entries.

Review articles: Although usually commissioned, we do occasionally accept unsolicited review articles. Review articles should be literature reviews. The text must be organized according to the following scheme: Introduction (including goals), Methods and materials,Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Bibliography, Tables and illustrations. The Methods and materials section can be used to describe hoe the literature review was conducted.

Review articles should not exceed 6.000 words in length (minimum 4000), must include an abstract of 350 words or fewer, and may not have more than 100 references.

The use of tables and color figures to summarize critical points is encouraged (up to 6 of tables or color figures).

Letters to the editor: should consist of a comment to a published article or a note about a specific theme or Case report. Letters to the editor should have no more than 500 words, 1 table/illustration and no more than 6 Bibliography entries.

Editorials: Editorials are by invitation only and consist of a personal view about any important theme in PRM. Editorials should have no more than 1.200 words, 1 table/illustration and no more than 25 Bibliography entries.

Bibliography: Bibliography entries should be ordered and numbered according to article reference as for example: “...groups of chronic hemiplegic patients improved after either PBWS 1 with gait trainer or Bobath treatment. Only subjects undergoing PBWS 2-5 with gait trainer maintained functional gain after 3 months. 1”

Perspective: This is an unstructured section allowing contributors to highlight issues for debate. These could be in any relevant subject area. These articles will be commissioned but we are happy to consider unsolicited articles submitted via submission online. Please aim for 2 000 words and up to 10 references. Structured abstract not required. Tables/Figures up to 2 and up to 10 References.


Systematic Reviews: Systematic Reviews can be presented in the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion format. The subject must be clearly defined. The objective of a systematic review should be to produce an evidence-based conclusion. The Methods should give a clear indication of the literature search strategy, data extraction, grading of evidence and analysis. It is strongly recommended that the PRISMA statement ( be used. PRISMA stands for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. The aim of the PRISMA Statement is to help authors improve the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Should be up to 6 000 words, a maximum of 10 figures and up to 100 references. A Structured abstract up to 400 words is required.

Abbreviations on Journal citation should be used according to Index Medicus Journal Abbreviations (


Don’t refer to month of publication. If entry has up to 6 authors all authors names should be mentioned. If entry has more than 6 authors, the first 6 should be mentioned followed by “et al”.

Reference examples:

Article: Dias D, Laíns J, Pereira A, Nunes R, Caldas J, Amaral C, et al. Can we improve gait skills in chronic hemiplegics? A randomised control trial with gait trainer. Eura Medicophys. 2007;43(4):499-504

Monograph:Author/Editor AA. Title: complete. Edition(ef not the first). Vol.(if necessary). Place of publication: Editor; year. page (s)

1.w/ Author: Atlas SW. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and spine. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004

2.w/ Editor: Brown AM, Stubbs DW, editors. Medical physiology. New York: Wiley; 1983

Chapter:Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press; 1976. 165-78

Conference Proceeding:Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumours V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumour conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002.

Conference presented article:Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza’s computational effort statistic for genetic

programming. In: Foster JA, Lutton E, Miller J, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, editors. Genetic programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on

Genetic Programming; 2002 Apr 3-5; KinsdaleIreland. Berlin: Springer; 2002. p. 182-91

Scientific report:Lugg DJ. Physiological adaptation and health of an expedition in Antarctica: with comment on behavioural adaptation. Canberra: A.G.P.S.; 1977. Australian Government Department of Science, Antarctic Division.ANARE scientific reports. Series B(4), Medical science No. 0126

Electronic document:


Anderson SC, Poulsen KB. Anderson’s electronic atlas of hematology [CD-ROM]. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002.

2. abstract of online article

Leroy EM, Telfer P, Kumulungui B, Yaba P. A serological survey of Ebola virus infection in central African nonhuman primates. J Infect Dis [abstract]. 1985;190(11). [consultado em 2005 Jun 30]. Available

at: ProQuest.

3. Online monograph

Van Belle G, Fisher LD, Heagerty PJ, Lumley TS. Biostatistics: a methodology for the health sciences [ebook]. 2nd ed. Somerset: Wiley InterScience; 2003 [consultado 2005 Jun 30]. Available at: Wiley InterScience electronic collection

4. Homepage/Website [homepage na Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01; [consulted 2002 Jul 9]. Available at

The accuracy of Bibliography entries are the author(s) full responsibility.

Tables and illustrations:

tables/ illustrations should be numbered according to article citation. All illustrations should have a label and must be sent separately in .jpg or .tif format.

Typographic review prints: The editorial board is responsible for all review prints.

final note - Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals International Commitee of Medical Journal Editors please see



This is an unstructured section allowing contributors to highlight issues for debate. These could be in any relevant subject area. These articles will be commissioned but we are happy to consider unsolicited articles submitted via submission online. Please aim for 2 000 words and up to 10 references. Structured abstract not required. Tables/Figures up to 2 and up to 10 References.

Systematic Reviews

The Systematic review articles should follow the standart abstract structure. The goal of the Systematic review must be to produce conclusions based on evidence. The methods must be clear on the research stategy, data outcome, classification and evidence analisys.

Follow PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines in

No more than 6 000 words, excluding references and pictures. Stuctured abstract up to 400 words. No more than 100 references. Tables/pictures up to 10 max.

Privacy Statement

The names and adresses submitted shall only be used by the journal for its original porpuses.