Abdominal binders use in patients with spinal cord injury and its benefits - a longitudinal retrospective study


  • Nuno Duarte Interno de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação do Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Filipa Faria Directora do Serviço de Lesões Vértebro-Medulares do Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação do Alcoitão, Portugal




Objective: to determine if in a population of spinal cord injury above D11 patients the use of an abdominal binder(AB) improves or not respiratory function. Material and Methods: it was done a longitudinal retrospective study,and selected all inpatients that were in Spinal Cord Injury Department of Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação deAlcoitão – Portugal - with tetraplegia or paraplegia with neurological level above D11, between the 1st of Januaryand the 31st of March 2009, that have done functional respiratory tests with and without AB. We analyse thefollowing parameters: forced vital capacity (FVC), total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV), inspiratorypressure (IP) and expiratory pressure (EP). It was used SPSS 11.5 and T-student test for statistical analysis. Results:AB use increased FVC (p=0,02) and EP (p=0,004), and decreased RV (p=0,00). Conclusions: this study foundevidence that AB use in patients with tetraplegia or paraplegia with neurological level above D11 improvespulmonary ventilatory function.

Keywords: Spinal cord injuries; Abdominal binder; Abdomen; Respiration; Restraint, Physical.


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How to Cite

Duarte N, Faria F. Abdominal binders use in patients with spinal cord injury and its benefits - a longitudinal retrospective study. SPMFR [Internet]. 2013 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];19(1):27-9. Available from: https://spmfrjournal.org/index.php/spmfr/article/view/35



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